Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11 & 12 January

Today was our last day to work on the American Revolution Theme Park in class.  This will be due next week. 

Today Mrs. Hansen is starting her time with us as student teacher.  While I will still be here, she will be the primary teacher until she leaves in April.  Please visit her website for more information.

7 & 10 January

We spent the bulk of today  working on our American Revolution Theme Parks.  These will be due on the 18th or 19th of January, depending on whether you have my class on an "A" day or a "B" day next term. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 & 6 January

Today's starter was "What was the last battle of the Revolutionary War?"

We finished viewing the group presentations on Revolutionary War Battles today.  We then graded and handed in our worksheets on the Revolutionary War.  The grades are updated on Skyward for both of these assignments.  Please look these grades over carefully as they are the final two grades for this term! 

All work is due A week from tomorrow (Friday the 14th).  Make sure that you all get a good grade!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3 & 4 January

Today we got back in the swing of things after our Christmas Break. 

Our starter for today was:  Why were we fighting the Revolutionary War?

We watched a four minute review video on the war and then began our group presentations on a Revolutionary War battle.  We will finish these next time for those who did not finish today.