Wednesday, February 29, 2012

27 & 28 February

Today's starter: What is a leader?  What makes a good leader?

We discussed the starter and then talked about some of the major events that occurred during George Washington's presidency.

We worked on pages 2 & 3 in the Washington packet.  We also turned in the Bill of Rights drawings.

Monday, February 27, 2012

23 & 24 February

The starter for today was: What is the Cabinet?  Without looking at your notes, list one of the Cabinet positions or one Cabinet leader during Washington's presidency.

We read an Encyclopedia Brown mystery.

We held a mock trial to get a feel for what a real trial and a real courtroom are like.

We finished up our Bill of Rights drawings - they are due next time!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

21 & 22 February

Today's Starter -  Which of the first 10 amendments do you think is the most important?  Why?

We finished discussing the Bill of Rights.  We then continued to work on the Bill of Rights assignment.  We corrected and turned in The Constitution and Federal Government assignment.

We then started to talk about George Washington's presidency.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

16 & 17 February

There was no starter today as we handed this last group in - we will have a new one next time.

We continued to look at the Bill of rights and began an assignment on them.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

14 & 15 February

Today's starter had two parts: What is the Bill of Rights?  Tell me one right from the Bill of Rights. 

We finished our Washington D.C. tour and worked on "The Constitution and the Federal Government" assignment - this is now homework and will be due next time we meet together.

We also began looking at the Bill of Rights.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

10 & 13 February

Our starter for today was: Why is Washington D.C. called Washington D.C?

We talked about the starter and then we began our tour of Washington D.C.  There was no homework today.

8 & 9 January

Today's starter was: How were compromises important in the Constitutional Convention?

After discussing the starter, we finished watching A More Perfect Union.  We then looked at some of the people and documents that contributed to the Constitution.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

6 & 7 February

Today's starter:  Tell me 1 way that Madison's Virginia Plan was different from the Articles of Confederation.

We worked a little in the Constitution and Federal Government packet and then we continued to watch A More Perfect Union.

Monday, February 6, 2012

1 & 2 February

Today's starter: What are the two important things that a Constitution does?

After discussing the starter we turned in the tests.  The tests will go to zeros sometime this week, so if you did not turn them in yet, turn them in soon!

We read an Encyclopedia Brown mystery.

We continued watching A More Perfect Union.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

31 January & 1 February

The starter for today was:  Tell me something you know about George Washington.  Try to tell me something that I we have not already discussed about him.

We finished the video that showed how artists, scientists, and historians worked together to recreate what Washington looked like at age 19, 45 and 57.

We also began looking at the events that led to the Constitutional Convention.  We filled out the front page of The Constitution & Federal Government packet.

We began a movie titled A More Perfect Union.  This movie was filmed by BYU to commemorate the 200 anniversary of the writing of the US Constitution.