Thursday, March 28, 2013

26 & 27 March

Today's starter reviewed what we discussed last time: What was one challenge for the California settlers?  What was one challenge for the Utah pioneers?

We created a +/- chart on page 3 of the Texas and War with Mexico packet.  We filled in this chart as we read about the life of a young girl in the factories.  We also answered these two questions on the last page of the packet:
  1. What is the biggest challenge you face as a teenager?
  2. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing teenagers in general?
We discussed this and compared our modern challenges to those faced by teens who were working in the mills in the early 1800s.

We then started a video on the mills - there are questions with this video and we will finish them next time.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

22 & 25 March

Welcome to 4th Term!

Today's starter was: Why do we value home made things?

We used this starter as a spring board to our discussion on the Industrial Revolution.  We began by watching a video review and preview of the events before and during the industrial revolution.

We touched on a little of the history of Utah and California.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

20 & 21 March

Today's starter had two parts: How would you realistically respond if someone tried to take something valuable from you?  How do nations respond if someone tries to take something of value from them?  This starter was to get us thinking about Texans, the United States, and Mexico.

After discussing the starter, we reviewed the concept of Manifest Destiny.
We then watched a ten minute video overview of the War with Mexico and the California gold rush.  We looked at the reasons southerners moved into Texas, the requirements Mexico placed on these settlers, and the Texan move towards independence - including the Alamo.  We then very briefly looked at the War with Mexico and began an assignment.

Please remember that all work for Term 3 is due Friday no later that 2:45!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

18 & 19 March

Today's starter is the first of a new set:  What do you know about the Alamo?

We corrected and handed in our Oregon Monuments - these will be the first grades for Term 4.  We also turned in our Impossible Test Questions (which will also go on Term 4) and we played the Impossible Test Game.

Please remember that all missing/make-up work is due by 2:45 on Friday.

Friday, March 15, 2013

14 & 15 March

Our last starter for this particular set was: How did the Erie Canal help America?

We read an Encyclopedia Brown mystery today.  The rest of the time was spent completing our Oregon Country Memorials and in creating "The Impossible Test."  The Impossible Test is really a game where the questions are created by the students.  I need 2 questions and answers from each of these sections:
  • Pages 304-309
  • Pages 312-317
  • Pages 320-326
We will play the game next class period.  I will give you 10 minutes in class next time to finish writing the questions.

Both the Oregon Country Memorial and the Impossible Test questions are due next time, but they will go on Term 4's grade.

You grades on Skyward are your final Term 3 grades, unless you turn in any missing work before Friday at 2:45.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

12 & 13 March

Today's starter was: Why do you think people in America in the early 1800s preferred to transport goods by water instead of by land?

After discussing the starter we watched a video on the Erie Canal.  We then began work on the Oregon Country Memorial.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

8 & 9 March

Today's starter was: Why do you think that the American people were OK with The Indian Removal Act of 1830?

After discussing the starter we spent about 20 minutes doing some grade remediation.  We handed in the Andrew Jackson assignments and then discussed different types of monuments.  this in to prepare for our project/assignment next time where we will plan a monument to celebrate the life of one of the Oregon Country Pioneers.

Mt. Rushmore is an example of a monument - photo by Bbadget

Thursday, March 7, 2013

6 & 7 March

Today's starter was: What are some of the dangers that Americans faced as they moved west?

We read a little about Andrew Jackson's life today in class.  We also talked about the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and some of Andrew Jackson's motivations for removing the Indians from the east to the west.

We then used a jigsaw activity to examine 6 different Oregon Country pioneers in greater detail.  We will use this when we begin planning our monument next time.

Monday, March 4, 2013

4 & 5 March

File:Ft. Henry bombardement 1814.jpgToday's starter was a review of last week's discussion on the War Hawks: Tell me a few of the reasons the War Hawks gave for going to war with Britain.

We finished examining the events behind the writing of The Star-spangled Banner.

We handed in both "The Jefferson Era" and the Lewis and Clark 6th Grade Booklet/Pamphlet.

We began our journey into the west.

Friday, March 1, 2013

28 February & 1 March

Today's starter was: Why do you think that Americans kept wanting to move west?

After discussing the starter we read an Encyclopedia Brown mystery.  We then looked at the causes of The War of 1812.  We took notes and answered questions on a page titled "A Time of Conflict."  We corrected these and handed them in today.  We then looked at the story behind the Star-spangled Banner.