Tuesday, October 29, 2013

25 & 28 October

Today's starter: List the three major Colonial Geographic Divisions.

After discussing the starter we corrected and handed in The American Colonies packet.  I then gave you the remainder of the class time to finish, or get close to finishing, the British Colonies Simulation.  This is due on November 4th for A Day and November 5th for B Day.

Friday, October 25, 2013

23 & 24 October

Today's starter: Why do you think that English citizens would want to come to America?  It was a dangerous and expensive trip - why would they want to take the risk?  This was the last starter of this set - these starters will go on your Term 2 grade.

Today we reviewed for the test and then took the Colonization Test.  This test will also be counted on Term 2.

We then continued to work on the Colonization Simulation -

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

21 & 22 October

Today's starter was: Why do you think that English ended up being the main language in America?  What happened to the Dutch, Spanish, and French? 

We then took time to review the Essential  Standards for Colonization.  Our test is next time!

We then discussed the Quaker Colony of Pennsylvania.

I gave you time to finish the Colonization Packet - these are due on the 25th for A Day and the 28th for B Day.

We started our Colonization Simulation.

Monday, October 21, 2013

17 & 18 October

Today's starter was: Based on our discussion from last time, what is the major difference between a Puritan and a Separatist?

Today we watched two short video clips - one reviewed Jamestown and Plymouth - the other introduced the Puritans.

We discussed Puritan beliefs and the Massachusetts Bay Colony.  We then began to compare/contrast Jamestown/Plymouth/Massachusetts Bay/Quakers

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

15 & 16 October

Today's starter was an easy one - Tell me what you know (or think you know) about the Pilgrims.

We spent today giving background on the Pilgrims: their reasons for breaking away from The Church of England and their reasons for coming to America.  We also identified where in America they settled.

We worked on page 4 of the Colonization packet.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

8 & 9 October

Today's Starter was: Give me two reasons that the Jamestown Colony struggled.

We discussed the starter and then passed back the Explorers Test.  The maximum score you could have received was a 35.  If you did not like your score you are more than welcome to come in and re-take the test before school, after school, or during TEAL.

We shared our Roanoke Short Stories with a partner and then turned them in.

We finished class by watching a little more of the Jamestown video.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

8 & 9 October

The starter for today: Give me 2 reasons that the Jamestown Colony struggled.

After discussing the starter we read an Encyclopedia Brown mystery.

We passed back the Explorers Tests and went over them briefly - you are welcome to re-take the questions that you missed.

We shared our Roanoke Short Stories with a partner and then handed them in.

We finished off watching a bit more of the Nightmare at Jamestown video.

Monday, October 7, 2013

4 & 7 October

Today's starter was: Tell me what you know about investors.  Why do they loan money to people?

Remember - your short story is due next time we meet!

We introduced the Jamestown Colony.  We showed how it was different from what was portrayed in the Disney movie.  We read two primary source accounts of conditions there.  We also began a National Geographic video detailing the events and conditions of Jamestown.

Friday, October 4, 2013

2 & 3 October

Today's starter: What is historical fiction?  What do you like in a fiction story?

We discussed the starter and then reviewed what we have learned so far in regards to colonization.  We then took time to review the story of Roanoke and some possible explanations for the mystery of the colony's disappearance.

We began our work on the Roanoke Short Story - I gave you about 1/2 hour in class to work on them.  These will be due on the 8th for A Day and the 9th for B Day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

September 30 & October 1

Today's starter was: What are some of the challenges that you think people in a brand new colony would face?

This is the first in a new set of starters - we turned the last set in last time.

We used the starter as a springboard to a discussion of the European Colonization of North America.  We then looked specifically at the mystery of Roanoke.