Monday, November 25, 2013

22 & 25 November

Here is today's starter - I know that there have been more in this set than we usually have, we will collect them after the Thanksgiving Break: Why do you think that these British colonists were willing to go from loyal British subjects to rebels?

We corrected and handed in the Johnny Tremain questions.  We then corrected The Road to Revolution packet.  Most of the classes were able to turn this is.  I will give it back to all of the classes so that you can study for our future test-

Friday, November 22, 2013

20 & 21 November

Today's starter was: How would you describe Johnny Tremain's personality up to this point?

We finished watching Johnny Tremain and then answered questions about what we watched - we will correct these questions next time.

We began a crossword puzzle that introduces the Revolutionary War-

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

18 & 19 November

Today's starter was: Think back to the propaganda techniques we discussed last week - list as many as you remember.

We reviewed the propaganda techniques and then practiced these techniques by choosing a cause to support or a product to sell.  We then created an advertisement that used one of these techniques.

The Road to Revolution packets are due on Friday for A Days and Monday for B Days.

We started watching Johnny Tremain.  This historical fiction movie shows the events around the Boston Tea party that led to the first shots of the Revolutionary War.

Monday, November 18, 2013

14 & 15 November

Today's starter was: How do advertisers try to get you to buy things?  What techniques do they use?

After our discussion, we read an Encyclopedia Brown mystery.  We then reviewed the new taxes that Britain put in place to help pay for the French and Indian War, and the reaction to those taxes in the colonies.

We then spent quite some time on the Boston Massacre - we discussed the events and the poster drawn by Paul Revere.

We finished today by examining propaganda.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

12 & 13 November

Today's starter was: Why do we pay taxes?  Are taxes good or are they bad?  Explain-

We finished our discussion of the French and Indian War.  We then looked at the events that occurred after the War, including the taxes placed on the colonists to help pay for the war.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

8 & 11 November

Today's starter: What is a rivalry?  What emotions do rivalries create?  Are rivalries a good thing or a bad thing?  Explain-
After discussing the starter we reviewed the class system in the colonies and learned how that class system was different from the class system in England.

We then looked at the French and Indian War.

Friday, November 8, 2013

6 & 7 November

Today's starter: Why is scientific discovery important?  Give me one "real world" example of how you use the scientific method.

We finished reading Molly Bannaky.  Afterwards we looked at the contributions Ben Franklin made to the Enlightenment.  We watched a short video outlining some of his inventions.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

4 & 5 November

Today's starter was: What do you remember about the enlightenment?

After discussing the starter we peer-reviewed the British Colonies Simulation.  We then handed it in.  These will turn to 0s by Thursday.

We finished up the Colonial Economy Game.  We turned these in for participation points.

We finished the day by starting to read the short book, Molly Bannaky.

Monday, November 4, 2013

29 October - 1 November

These past four days we did the following:

We had two starters:
Which colonial area would you have liked to have lived in? (New England, Middle, or Southern)  Explain why-

Why do we celebrate Halloween?

The days around Halloween we discussed the Salem Witch Trials in more depth.  We also briefly looked at the history of Halloween.  We then learned about the great American author Washington Irving and looked at his story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

The other days, we played Colonial Jeopardy and then we tested our knowledge of the three colonial areas by playing a colonial investment game - we will finish this game next time.