Thursday, February 27, 2014

25 & 26 February

Today was a Lewis & Clark Expedition day-

Our starter was:  What dangers do explorers face?  How do they prepare for those dangers?

We reviewed the situation on America's Western frontier - the importance of the rivers and New Orleans to the farmers.  We introduced the Louisiana Purchase and the purposes of the Lewis & Clark Expedition.

We watched a National Geographic video on Lewis & Clark - it is called Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West.  It is a good introduction to the Lewis & Clark Expedition and is available on Netflix if you are interested in watching at home.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

21 & 24 February

Portrait of Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale.Today's starter was: What do you like in a good adventure book or movie?

We corrected, and handed in, the green Federalists - George Washington & John Adams packet.  We also handed in the "Impossible Test" questions that you created - we used these to play the "Impossible Test" game.

We then began looking at Thomas Jefferson and the importance of the Mississippi River to the Western Farmers.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

19 & 20 February

We started off today with this starter: What are the names of the two largest political parties in America today?  Why are there political parties?

We used this starter as a bridge to discussing the birth of America's first two political parties under Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.

We also looked at the transition from President Washington to President Adams, and discussed the challenges faced by John Adams.

We turned in the George Washington symbolic picture and finished the green Federalist packet - there is no test on this section.

A painted portrait of a man with greying hair, looking left.We will play the "Impossible Test" next time - this is a game made up of difficult questions generated by members of the class.  The questions are worth points - I need you to write questions and answers from these pages:
  • 2 from 252-259
  • 1 from 260-263
  • 2 from 264-270
  • 1 from 276-279

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

14 & 18 February

Today's starter was: Think of someone that you admire - What is it about this person that you like or admire?  We used this as a transition into George Washington and his presidency.

We discussed the first cabinet and some of the challenges that Washington faced as president.

Gilbert Stuart Williamstown Portrait of George Washington.jpg
We finished page 2 in the Federalist packet.  We also finished the Washington symbol page.

Friday, February 14, 2014

12 & 13 February

Today's starter - this is the first in a new set: Why do you think it is important that courts in America consider those who are accused to be innocent until they are proven guilty?

We held a mock trial to get to know the judicial branch a little better.

We then corrected and handed in our Bill of Rights assignment.

We started looking at George Washington's presidency-

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

10 & 11 February

Today's starter was: What are the two purposes of constitutions?

We handed in the starters today.

We reviewed for the Constitution and Federal Government Test - we then took the test.  If you got a score lower than a 26, you need to re-take the test.

After the test we prepared for Student-led Conferences - these conferences are this Thursday.  We also wrapped up our Bill of Rights drawings - they are due next time!

Monday, February 10, 2014

6 & 7 February

Today's starter was: What rights are protected by the first amendment?

We read an Encyclopedia Brown.  We then passed back the Federal Government and Constitution packets for you to study from.

We played review Jeopardy and reviewed every concept that will be tested.

We then wrapped up our discussion of the Bill of Rights.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

4 & 5 February

Today's starter was: Name a check that the Judicial Branch has on either the Legislative or Executive Branches.

After discussing the starter we reviewed the concept of the "reasonable person."  We then discussed the idea that we have rights but we also have responsibilities.

We reviewed the first five amendments in the Bill of Rights.

We then finished correcting The Constitution and The Federal Government packets.  These scores were put in the computer and I will return them next time for you to study for your test.

The test will be this Monday for A Day and Tuesday for B Day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

31 January & 3 February

Today's starter: What is one check that the Executive Branch has on the Legislative Branch?

After discussing the starter we watched the old Schoolhouse Rock episode: I'm Just a Bill.  We then wrapped up our Washington D.C. Tour.

We have starterd discussing the Bill of Rights.